Eleventh Grade Lament

My academic grades for the past thirteen weeks have been the worst in my life. Now, I’m not on the verge of failing school, but growing up with Persian parents, B’s are not that different. No, I’m not going to complain about all the petty inconveniences for the next five minutes. Like the young, independent adult I have become, I will explain why my sanity is slowly dripping out of my ears. And it’s only November.

First of all, the damn teachers are very understanding. When I missed a few days of school due to an illness, each teacher provided me ample time to finish all the homework and catch up on the lessons. Now who can I blame for the grades that are not supposed to be that low? I can’t complain to my friends how cruel my teachers are when each of them actually smile every so often. 

Not only are they understanding, but they are also very fair. Everyone failed the physics quiz? The teacher pretends like it never happened. Everyone had a tough week? Move the project due date for a few more days. 

Kindness is more degrading than hostility in the classroom. The teachers suave attitude is taking a toll on my education. Or at least that’s the best excuse I can come up with. 

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